S. 1227 - To require the Secretary of Energy to develop an implementation strategy to promote the development of hybrid micro-grid systems for isolated communities
May 7, 2015
12:20 PM
To require the Secretary of Energy to develop an implementation strategy to promote the development of hybrid micro-grid systems for isolated communities
S. 1227 promotes hybrid micro-grid technologies, including renewable resources, for isolated communities with limited electricity options.
Many of America’s remote communities, particularly in Alaska and the U.S. territories, are not connected to a larger electric grid. Hybrid micro-grid technologies have the potential to facilitate better reliability, lower the cost of electricity, and lessen these isolated communities’ dependence on conventional generation sources like diesel.
Key Provisions
- Requires the Secretary of Energy to develop an implementation strategy to promote the development of hybrid micro-grid system technology for isolated communities.
- Seeks to leverage local capacity and knowledge in developing a system.
- Authorizes establishment of future targets for the economic displacement of conventional generation used in hybrid micro-grid systems.