S. 1010: Hydroelectric in North Carolina

June 11, 2001
12:00 AM

Short Titles

  • North Carolina


  • Dec 4 2002 12:00AM: Approved. Public Law 107-322
  • Aug 1 2002 12:00AM: Passed Senate without amendment. (voice vote)
  • Jun 28 2002 12:00AM: Reported to the Senate without amendment. S. Rept. 107-192
  • Jun 5 2002 12:00AM: Full committee business meeting; ordered reported without amendment. (voice vote)
  • Dec 10 2001 12:00AM: Report from FERC.
  • Dec 3 2001 12:00AM: Requested reports from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and OMB.
  • Jun 11 2001 12:00AM: Introduced.