Energy Conference: Update #30 (Election Recess)
October 21, 2002
12:00 AM
With Congress in its pre-election lull, both the House and the Senate will meet in abbreviated, non-legislative "pro forma" sessions only. On Tuesday, Nov. 12, both bodies will resume legislative business – including work on an energy bill.
Pro forma sessions allow conference committees to keep working. But since no Members are around, and since everything left to be resolved in this conference will have to be decided by the Members, the work rate and intensity probably will be low.
During this recess, if you are nostalgic for the energy bill or experiencing conference withdrawals, visit the Committee's web, There, in addition to text and pdf copies of H.R. 4 (both House- and Senate-passed versions), you can view archived webcasts of Conference Meetings and read vintage conference updates.
Committee offices will stay open throughout this time, though observing recess hours. If we’re here, we’ll be happy to help, so do try us.