S. 2773: High Plains Aquifer Hydrogeologic Characterization, Mapping, Modeling and Monitoring Act

July 23, 2002
12:00 AM

Short Titles

  • Aquifer States in conducting a hydrogeologic characterization, mapping, modeling and monitoring program for the High Plains Aquifer, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to cooperate with the High Plains


  • Oct 8 2002 12:00AM: Reported to the Senate with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (without written report)
  • Oct 3 2002 12:00AM: Full committee business meeting; ordered reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (voice vote)
  • Jul 31 2002 12:00AM: Hearing by subcommittee. (77) S. Hrg. 107-853
  • Jul 30 2002 12:00AM: Requested reports from Interior and OMB.
  • Jul 23 2002 12:00AM: Introduced.