S. 2872: Hydroelectric Project in the State of Illinois

August 1, 2002
12:00 AM


  • Nov 22 2002 12:00AM: Referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  • Nov 19 2002 12:00AM: Passed Senate. (voice vote)
  • Oct 10 2002 12:00AM: Mr. Durbin added as cosponsor.
  • Oct 8 2002 12:00AM: Reported to the Senate without amendment. (without written report)
  • Oct 3 2002 12:00AM: Full committee business meeting; ordered reported without amendment. (voice vote)
  • Oct 2 2002 12:00AM: Report from FERC.
  • Sep 30 2002 12:00AM: Requested reports from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and OMB.
  • Aug 1 2002 12:00AM: Introduced.