Prepares legislation aimed at N.M.’s water challenges

October 30, 2003
12:00 AM
Washington, D.C. – Senator Pete Domenici today praised Sen. Diane Feinstein for her tireless work in pushing water issues to the top of the national agenda and announced plans for legislation aimed at New Mexico’s water challenges. Chairman Domenici’s statement for today’s Energy & Water Subcommittee hearing on S. 1097, the CALFED Bay-Delta authorization. The hearing was held at 2:30 p.m. in SD-366. Chairman Domenici’s remarks: “I would like to commend my colleague, Senator Feinstein, for her work on S. 1097, the CALFED Bay-Delta authorization and her tireless efforts to deal with critical water issues in California. I thank her for her bi-partisan efforts to carry forward the business of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “The significant water issues highlighted by this CALFED legislation are not unique to California. For example, we have recently held a hearing on legislation addressing major water issues in Arizona. Other members of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee have equally pressing water resources issues. “My state, New Mexico, struggled through a disastrous summer requiring Herculean efforts by federal, state and local water management groups. Our water storage is at an historic low and we face potentially traumatic choices this coming year. If anything, New Mexico has fewer resources and is in worse shape than California. For these reasons, I am developing legislation to address the breadth of water issues faced by my state. “I look forward to working to resolve the remaining issues on S.1097. Equally important, I look forward to working with Senator Feinstein and my other colleagues on the committee to address the water issues that face New Mexico and the rest of the Western United States.” ###