H.R. 1648: Carpinteria and Montecito Water Distribution Systems Conveyance Act of 2003

April 7, 2003
12:00 AM

Short Titles

  • Cachuma Project, California, to the Carpinteria Valley Water District and the Montecito Water District, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain water distribution systems of the


  • Oct 5 2004 12:00AM: Approved. Public Law 108-315
  • Sep 15 2004 12:00AM: Passed Senate. (unanimous-consent)
  • Jun 25 2004 12:00AM: Reported to the Senate without amendment. S. Rept. 108-287
  • Jun 18 2004 12:00AM: Congressional Budget Office cost estimate received.
  • Jun 16 2004 12:00AM: Requested reports from Interior and OMB.
  • Jun 16 2004 12:00AM: Full committee business meeting; ordered reported without amendment. (voice vote)
  • May 19 2004 12:00AM: Hearing by subcommittee. (72) S. Hrg. 108-618
  • Nov 18 2003 12:00AM: Referred to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
  • Nov 17 2003 12:00AM: Reported to the House by House Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-363
  • Nov 17 2003 12:00AM: Passed House. (voice vote)
  • Apr 7 2003 12:00AM: Introduced.