December 16, 2004
12:00 AM
In order to facilitate the Natural Gas Supply and Demand conference, please use the following form and directions. The 8 listed topics delineate the expected areas of discussion. A general question under each topic heading is provided only to help frame responses. Proposals may be for near or long-term solutions and may be directed at federal, state or private actions. Address any one or more of the listed natural gas topics. Do not renumber or rearrange the order of the topics. If you wish to address an issue that is not listed, please add that topic to the end of the designated list. Please adhere to the following: • Limit your response to no more than 5 single-spaced pages per issue. • Use 12 point Time New Roman font. • Insert page breaks between numbered topics. • Insert your name at the top of each issue section. Additional charts, graphics, or specific legislative language are also welcome and may be attached as a separate appendix (beyond the 5 page limit) to the responses. Submittals must be emailed to Senate Energy Staffers Lisa Epifani and Deborah Estes no later than noon on Friday, January 7, 2005.; All submittals will be reviewed; however, only a limited number of participants can be invited to participate in the conference to be held on Monday, January 24, between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the Room 216 of the Senate Hart Building. The limitation is necessary to manage the meeting and permit a useful exchange of ideas. All efforts will be made to ensure that a variety of stakeholders and recommendations are represented. The submittals to be discussed at the meeting will be posted in advance on the Committee website at Chairman Domenici will lead and moderate the conference. Other members of the Senate Energy Committee may be in attendance. The meeting will be open to the public and media. The format for submittal is as follows. The first page should include: Submitter’s Name/Association:_______________________ Contact:___________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Provide an executive summary of your proposal(s) not to exceed the first page. At this top of each subsequent page, please include: Submitter’s Name/Association. The eight issues to be addressed (and submitter may address any or all) are: 1. Increasing Domestic Natural Gas Supply How can we increase domestic supplies from on-shore and off-shore resources? 2. Liquefied Natural Gas What should our expectations be regarding imported LNG as a supply source, and what policies should be considered on LNG terminal siting and safety? 3. Natural Gas Infrastructure What legislative or regulatory policies should be implemented to encourage needed additional safe and adequate infrastructure for natural gas transmission and distribution lines and storage? 4. Environmental What are environmental challenges and regulatory barriers related to expanding our natural gas supply and how can they be remedied? 5. Diversification and Conservation To what extent and how can demand be reduced through conservation and efficiency measures and through diversification of energy sources used for electric generation, industrial and other applications? 6. Tax Incentives Could tax incentives help increase supply and/or reduce demand of natural gas? 7. Investment What is needed to encourage more investment in natural gas supplies and infrastructure? 8. FERC and EIA Natural Gas Market Data Is storage and market information adequate to ensure well-functioning natural gas markets?