H.R. 3932: Sequoia National Park

March 10, 2004
12:00 AM

Short Titles

  • Hydroelectric project, to amend Public Law 99-338 to authorize the continued use of certain lands within the Sequoia National Park by portions of an existing


  • Jul 20 2004 12:00AM:

    Referred to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

    (Measure incorporated with FY05 Omnibus Appropriations Act, Public Law 108-447)

  • Jul 19 2004 12:00AM: Passed House, amended. (voice vote)
  • Jun 4 2004 12:00AM: Reported to the House, amended by House Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-525
  • Mar 10 2004 12:00AM: Introduced.