September 15, 2004
12:00 AM
Washington, D.C. – The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today approved 21 bills in a 9:30 a.m. business meeting. The 21 bills were approved by unanimous consent with the exception of S. 2622, which received a nay vote. Following the voice vote, the committee lost its quorum and was unable to consider the remaining agenda items. The bills reported out of committee are as follows: S. Con. Res. 121 - A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideals of the World Year of Physics by encouraging the people of the United States to observe the World Year of Physics, to call on the Secretary of Energy to lead and coordinate federal activities to commemorate the World Year of Physics, to encourage enhanced recognition of the role and impact of physics, and to encourage additional steps to strengthen physics research and promote the understanding of physics. S. 437 as amended - A bill to provide for adjustments to the Central Arizona Project in Arizona, to authorize the Gila River Indian Community water rights settlement, to reauthorize and amend the Southern Arizona Water Rights Settlement Act of 1982, and for other purposes. A joint staff amendment makes clear that New Mexico receives both the assurances of water and the funding needed to access that water. S. 511 as amended - A bill to provide permanent funding for the Payment In Lieu of Taxes program, and for other purposes. S. 511 directs that the funding to pay for both PILT and Refuge Revenue Sharing payments be made through a direct mandatory appropriation. A joint staff amendment removes a formula that would have increased the overall cost of PILT. H.R. 4516 as amended- This legislation allows the United States to regain global leadership in the computing field. The bill requires advancement in both leadership quality computing facilities and software development. To facilitate this, the bill establishes a software development center. The bill authorizes a three-year appropriation of $50 million in FY05 and escalating $5 million annually for the next two years. An amendment in the nature of a substitute tweaks the bill to more closely match the language in the House bill to facilitate final House passage. S. 1614 as amended - A bill to designate a portion of White Salmon River as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. A joint staff amendment makes clarifying changes. S. 1678 as amended - A bill to provide for the establishment of the Uintah Research and Curatorial Center for Dinosaur National Monument in the States of Colorado and Utah. A joint staff amendment makes technical corrections. S. 1852 as amended - A bill to provide financial assistance for the rehabilitation of the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the development of an exhibit to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. A joint staff amendment makes technical changes. S. 1876 as amended - A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain lands and facilities of the Provo River Project. The Provo River Project stores and delivers water from the Provo River for irrigation and municipal and industrial uses within Utah. A joint staff amendment makes technical corrections S. 2142 - A bill to authorize appropriations for the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route. S. 2142 extends the authority for the National Park Service to participate in the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route for five years, through 2009. S. 2181 as amended - A bill to adjust the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park in the State of Colorado. A joint staff amendment makes technical changes and corrections. S. 2334 - A bill to designate certain National Forest System land, a total of 10,000 acres, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System. S. 2374 as amended - A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain land to the United States and to revise the boundary of Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma, and for other purposes. The land exchange is needed for the construction of the Chickasaw Nation Cultural Center and to further the protection of watershed and riparian resources. The bill is amended to maintain consistency with the Indian Trust policies. S. 2408 as amended - A bill to designate the expansion of the forest boundaries of the Helena, Lolo, and Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forests to facilitate the Blackfoot Challenge land exchange. A joint staff amendment corrects map references in the legislation. S. 2432 as amended - A bill to revise the boundaries of Wilson’s Creek Battlefield National Park in Missouri to include approximately 615 acres of land. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire the land from willing sellers by purchase, donation, or exchange. A joint staff amendment makes technical changes and corrections. S. 2567 - A bill to adjust the boundary of Redwood National Park to include approximately 36,400 acres that have been acquired by the California Department of Parks and Recreation to be managed under an existing cooperative management agreement with the National Park Service. S. 2622 as amended - A bill to authorize an equal-value exchange of approximately 154 acres of private land in New Mexico to be added to the Glorieta Unit of the Pecos National Historic Park for approximately160 acres of Santa Fe National Forest land to be conveyed to the private landowner. A joint staff amendment makes technical changes and corrections. Senator Thomas requested that his vote on S. 2622 be recorded as “nay”. H.R. 1113 as amended - To authorize an exchange of land at Fort Frederica National Monument in the State of Georgia between Christ Church and the National Park Service. A joint staff amendment which provides technical corrections and clarifying changes. H.R. 1446 as amended - To support the efforts of the California Missions Foundation to restore and repair the Spanish colonial and mission-era missions in the State of California and to preserve the artworks and artifacts of these missions, and for other purposes. The amendment in the nature of a substitute makes substantive changes to the bill to address criteria for qualifying for grants and separation of church and state. First, missions must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places in order to qualify for federal grants. Second, the Secretary of the Interior and the U.S. Attorney General must review and determine that proposed actions do not violate the Separation of Church and State provision in the first amendment of the Constitution before approving use of Federal funds. H.R. 1964 as amended - To assist the States of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania in conserving priority lands and natural resources in the Highlands region, and for other purposes. A joint staff amendment clarifies the process for selecting lands to be recommended to the secretaries of Interior and Agriculture; clarifying the highlands area on maps and to provide up to $10 million a year of general appropriations authority. H.R. 2010 - To protect the voting rights of members of the Armed Services in elections for the Delegate representing American Samoa in the United States House of Representatives, and for other purposes. H.R. 3706 - To adjust the boundary of the John Muir National Historic Site in California and to adjust the boundary of the historic site to include the newly acquired land.