November 3, 2005
01:04 PM

Washington, D.C. – The Senate today voted 51-48 against an amendment offered by Sen. Maria Cantwell to strike the ANWR title from the Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005.

Chairman Domenici’s statement:

“We still have some votes ahead of us, but our success in defeating the motion to strike the ANWR title makes it probable that the budget reconciliation package that comes out of the Senate will include the provision to develop our oil resources in the Arctic.

“This is a victory for the taxpayer and the consumer. This is a victory for American taxpayers because developing our oil reserves in the Arctic raises $2.5 billion for the federal treasury over the next five years. In addition, there will be billions of dollars more from royalties paid into the treasury by oil companies once the oil has been developed. Any time you can raise receipts without resorting to taxes, it’s a win for the taxpayer.

“This is a victory for American consumers because developing our Arctic reserves will bring 10 billion barrels of oil to the lower 48 states, increasing supply and stabilizing these steep oil and gasoline prices. This vote today sends a signal to OPEC and the rest of the world that America is serious about meeting more of its own energy needs. America will not let our consumers or our economy be held hostage to run-away global oil prices.”