CRAIG COMMENTS ON MINING REFORM: Will seek to update 1872 Mining Act in 109th Congress

December 13, 2005
02:56 PM

WASHINGTON, D. C . – Idaho Senator Larry Craig issued the following statement on efforts to reform the 1872 Mining Act and the Senate’s procedural rules governing the budget reconciliation process:

“Today, the Budget Committee and the Parliamentarian raised significant procedural concerns with the amended mining provisions.  In order to maintain the integrity of the mining provisions, and in consultation with Congressman Gibbons, it was determined that the amendment should not be offered.   Although the reconciliation process stalled our present efforts at mining reform, I look forward to working with Congressman Gibbons and Senator Reid this Congress to make necessary improvements in the 1872 Mining Act and address the needs of the mining industry. ”

Senator Craig is chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee’s Subcommittee on Public Lands and Natural Forests, which has jurisdiction over mining and mining reform issues in the Senate.

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