ANWR Defeat a Blow to American Consumers and U.S. Energy Security

Domenici will work to include ANWR in '07 Budget Resolution

December 21, 2005
01:30 PM

Washington, D.C. – Chairman Pete V. Domenici today expressed keen disappointment over the Senate’s failure to invoke cloture on the DoD Appropriations Act, which includes a provision to develop U.S. oil resources in the Arctic.

Chairman Domenici issued the following statement:

"Today’s vote is a blow to American consumers worried about gasoline prices. It is a blow to U.S. energy security. I fear our gasoline prices will begin climbing again next year and I’m certain our reliance on foreign oil will continue to climb in the coming years if we don’t act soon to produce more of our own oil.

"This issue is too important to our consumers and our economy to accept defeat. We will try again. I will seek to include an ANWR provision in the budget resolution next spring just as we did this year. I will work to keep it in the budget reconciliation and hope for a more favorable outcome in the House. ANWR remains one of my top priorities. Developing more of our own energy is the right thing to do for our economy, our consumers and our security. I'm not walking away from this challenge."
