S. 264: Hawaii Water Resources Act of 2005

February 2, 2005
12:00 AM


  • Sep 21 2005 12:00AM: Approved.  Public Law 109-70
  • Sep 13 2005 12:00AM: Passed House without amendment.  (voice vote)
  • Jul 27 2005 12:00AM:

    Referred to the Committee on Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

  • Jul 26 2005 12:00AM: Passed Senate.  (unanimous-consent)  Agreed to Ms. Collins {for Mr. Domenici} amendment no. 1587 (Cong. Record S9034) printed (Cong. Record S9011)(to make certain technical corrections).
  • Mar 10 2005 12:00AM:

    Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar.  Calendar No. 46

  • Mar 10 2005 12:00AM: Reported to the Senate without amendment.  S. Rept. 109-33
  • Feb 15 2005 12:00AM: Congressional Budget Office cost estimate received.
  • Feb 10 2005 12:00AM: Requested reports from Interior and OMB.
  • Feb 9 2005 12:00AM:

    Full committee business meeting; ordered reported without amendment.  (voice vote)

  • Feb 2 2005 12:00AM: Introduced.