S. 485: National Geologic Mapping Reauthorization Act of 2005

March 1, 2005
12:00 AM


  • Nov 17 2005 12:00AM: Held at the desk.

    (Also see H.R. 2362)

  • Nov 16 2005 12:00AM:

    Passed Senate.  (unanimous-consent)  Agreed to Mr. McConnell {for Mr. Domenici and Mr. Bingaman} amendment no. 2592 (Cong. Record S13057) printed (Cong. Record S13037)(to extend the authorization of appropriatons for the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992).

  • Oct 27 2005 12:00AM:

    Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar.  Calendar No. 262

  • Oct 27 2005 12:00AM:

    Reported to the Senate without amendment.  S. Rept. 109-161

  • Oct 7 2005 12:00AM: Congressional Budget Office cost estimate received.
  • Sep 28 2005 12:00AM:

    Full committee business meeting; ordered reported without amendment.  (voice vote)

  • Jul 26 2005 12:00AM: Mr. Enzi added as cosponsor.
  • Apr 11 2005 12:00AM: Ms. Murkowski and Mr. Stevens added as cosponsors.
  • Mar 8 2005 12:00AM: Hearing by subcommittee.  (10)   S. Hrg. 109-19
  • Mar 7 2005 12:00AM: Mr. Bennett and Mr. Roberts added as cospnsors.
  • Mar 1 2005 12:00AM: Introduced.