Budget resolution a well-worn path for ANWR since 1995

March 10, 2005
12:00 AM
Washington, D.C. – Pete V. Domenici, a senior member of the Budget Committee and its former chairman, today joined his committee colleagues in voting to retain ANWR reconciliation instructions in the budget resolution. The committee is expected to approve the budget resolution later today. It is slated for floor consideration next week. Domenici led a congressional delegation to Alaska this past weekend to visit ANWR and meet with the native people who live there. He spoke to his Budget colleagues about what he saw there and the appropriate use of the budget avenue for ANWR before the committee voted. Chairman Domenici issued the following statement following the vote: I hope today’s ANWR vote in committee will be repeated on the Senate floor next week. Today’s vote is a victory for the economy, American consumers and the people of Alaska. I will work closely with Majority Leader Frist and Senators Stevens and Murkowski to defend ANWR instructions on the floor next week. The budget resolution is the proper avenue for ANWR. The environmentally-gentle development of oil on a 2,000-acre footprint will generate billions of dollars for the U.S. Treasury. The budget is the proper place for provisions generating receipts to offset federal outlays. Congress passed ANWR in the Balanced Budget Act in 1995. President Clinton promptly vetoed the Balanced Budget Act. We used the budget resolution and reconciliation process then for ANWR and we have used it repeatedly since. Now is the time for ANWR. Oil is trading above $50 a barrel, we have American boots on the ground in the Middle East, global supplies are tight and China and India are driving up demand. ANWR – at its peak and at today’s prices – will save us nearly $20 billion annually in the purchase of foreign oil. ANWR will expand supply, stabilize prices and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. It will enhance our national security and strengthen our self-reliance. Now that I’ve seen ANWR and our technological capabilities first hand, I am more convinced than ever that now is the time to finally exercising our option to explore a small portion of this area. Marnie Funk Communications Director Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee W: 202-224-6977 C : 202-302-5885