Bill expands conservation, efficiency, use of renewables

April 22, 2005
02:17 PM

Washington, D.C. – Senate Energy & Natural Resources Chairman Pete V. Domenici today issued a statement in recognition of Earth Day, citing some of the pro-environment measures in the draft energy bill which employ clean fuels, more conservation and higher efficiency to meet America’s energy needs while protecting the environment.


Chairman Domenici’s Statement:


“I have often said that Republicans and Democrats agree on 80 percent of the energy bill. The bulk of that agreement focuses on provisions to expand our conservation, our efficiency, our use of renewable energy and the development and deployment of energy technologies that protect the environment.


“Many provisions advancing these priorities have carried forward in the last several years from the Republican bill to the Democrat bill and back to the Republican bill. They will be included in this bipartisan bill.  In many instances, we are expanding the scope of these popular proposals to reap even more benefits than we envisioned four years ago when they were proposed for the first comprehensive energy bill.


“I continue to discuss an electricity portfolio standard with my colleagues and remain open to automobile efficiency proposals.”



Bipartisan provisions to be included in this year’s draft bill include incentives for increased production of renewable energy, the development and deployment of clean coal technologies, the renewal of Energy Savings Performance Contracts, new efficiency standards for many industrial and consumer products, a rebate program for consumers who purchase energy efficient products and implementation of the National Building Performance Initiative.