Energy Bill - Committee Markup Items
May 13, 2005
12:00 AM
Related Files
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Title XVI: Studies Title16Studies.pdf (79.98 KB)
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Title IX - Research and Development TitleIXResearchandDevelopment.pdf (179.93 KB)
Landrieu Oil and Gas Amendment - ADOPTED OilandGasLandrieuAdopted.pdf (22.46 KB)
R&D Amendment 2 RD2.pdf (19.22 KB)
Efficiency Amendment 1 EfficiencyAmendment1.pdf (27.75 KB)
Studies Amendment 6 Studies6.doc (23.50 KB)
Cantwell 2nd Degree Amendment B to Talent Amendment - ADOPTED Cantwell22ndDegtoTalent.pdf (23.40 KB)
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Renewable Amendment 1 Renewable1.pdf (22.46 KB)
Renewable Amendment 3 Renewable3.pdf (18.39 KB)
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Title XI - Personnel and Training TitleXIPERSONNELANDTRAINING.pdf (39.81 KB)
R&D Amendment 8 RD8.pdf (18.05 KB)
Title V - Indian Energy TitleVIndianEnergy.pdf (85.89 KB)
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R&D Amendment 4 RD40.pdf (19.46 KB)
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Efficiency Amendment 3 EfficiencyAmendment3.pdf (30.04 KB)
Electricity Amendment 5 ElectricityAmendment5.pdf (23.97 KB)
FINAL VERSION OF ENERGY BILL Final Version of Reported Energy Bill FinalVersionofEnergyBill.pdf (1.22 MB)
Title VI: Nuclear Matters Title6NuclearMatters.pdf (94.74 KB)
R&D Amendment 1 RD1.pdf (20.19 KB)
Studies Amendment 1 Studies1.pdf (20.17 KB)
R&D Amendment 11 RD11.pdf (19.55 KB)
Indian Energy Amendment B IndianEnergyAmendment2.pdf (18.32 KB)
Electricity Amendment 8 ElectricityAmendment8.pdf (18.34 KB)
R&D Amendment 7 RD7.pdf (20.12 KB)
Personnel and Training Amendment A PTAmendment1.pdf (20.05 KB)
Alexander Electricity Amendment - FAILED AlexanderElectricityAmendmentFailed.pdf (22.70 KB)
Oil and Gas Amendment 5 OilandGas5.pdf (20.27 KB)
Studies Amendment 3 Studies3.pdf (19.31 KB)
Renewable Amendment 6 Renewable6.pdf (19.87 KB)