May 17, 2005
06:01 PM

Senator Larry E. Craig’s statement:


The United States has gone too long without a strategic, comprehensive energy policy.  We have the reality of tight supplies, regulatory uncertainty, and confusion about our path forward.  Indeed, the consequences of not developing a sound energy plan have been brewing over the last five years and have manifested in record high natural gas prices, high gasoline prices, blackouts, and a catastrophic meltdown of energy markets in the West.


Senator Craig Thomas’ statement:


As we get set to mark-up the Senate Energy Bill for 2005, I’m reminded that we began this process several Congresses ago. Since then some situations have changed while others remain the same. 


What stands out to me is that we still need a comprehensive energy bill. We still rely heavily on foreign sources of oil -- even more so. Renewables still make up only a small fraction of the overall energy mix. High natural gas prices have reenergized efforts on and attention to clean coal technologies. High prices at the pump have boosted hybrid and energy efficient vehicles sales. We are now talking about importing a great deal more natural gas. 


Since the beginning of the debate, I have urged a long-term energy plan. America deserves a plan that envisions a road map for the future. It’s been more than four years since the President of the United States and his Energy Task Force came out with their energy recommendations.  


We must realize that the global energy map is changing. World energy demand is set to rise by 59 percent by 2030. Eighty-five percent of the increase will be fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. Two-thirds of the increase will come from developing countries like China and India. The United States must realize the dynamics of this changing market.


Senator Lamar Alexander’s statement:


September 11 was a big surprise, but it shouldn’t have been.  During the 1980’s and 1990’s there were terrorist attacks on American interests around the world and in our country itself.  If we had paid attention, we wouldn’t have been surprised.


The Next Big Surprise in this country will be to our pocketbooks, but it doesn’t need to happen.  If we pay attention, we already know that we have the highest natural gas prices in the industrialized world.  We know gas at the pump is at record levels.  We know China and India are increasing their demand for energy.  We know that because of high prices manufacturing jobs are moving overseas, farmers are taking a pay cut and consumers are paying too much to heat and cool their homes.


We can avoid this next big surprise - the one to our pocketbooks - by passing an energy bill that lowers prices, cleans the air and reduces dependence on foreign oil.  To keep our standard of living our goal must be to aggressively conserve and to aggressively produce an adequate, reliable supply of low-cost, American-produced clean energy.


Senator Lisa Murkowski’s statement:


The bill and related policies that hopefully will be law by year’s end will produce more domestic energy and a huge number of good-paying jobs — I can conservatively count nearly 2.2 million jobs that will be generated in the future from our likely energy policies. Second, this bill is going to promote and encourage new technology and the new alternative fuels and energy production that we need. And third, this bill is going to dramatically help the nation’s environment by not only promoting energy efficiency and requiring fuel efficiency and conservation, but also promoting the technologies that we will need to reduce greenhouse gases in the future and helping to lock up carbon. Anyone who fairly looks at this bill will have to be impressed with the steps the Senate is prepared to take to protect the environment, while avoiding proposals that could cripple our economy.


Senator Conrad Burns’ statement:


Why do we need an energy bill?  We need it now even more than we did a year ago, and I hope that everyone on both sides of the aisle can see that. Let’s start with this fact:  affordable, reliable sources of energy are absolutely key to growing American jobs. No one can say they got everything they wanted in this bill, but it is a good balance between interests. 


We owe it to America to develop a strong, stable energy policy and I am confident this bill will go a long way toward that goal.   This Energy bill takes a very balanced approach.  It encourages domestic energy production, and authorizes research and development on new technologies.


The Energy bill isn’t only about Energy, it’s about jobs for American families.  If you start from there, it’s pretty hard to go wrong.  While I’m disappointed we didn’t finish this bill during the 108th Congress, I am optimistic about our efforts and I am glad we have the opportunity to do so now.  

Senator James M. Talent's statement:

We have been debating an energy bill for too long,  It is time for action, and we need to send a pro-growth, pro-jobs energy bill to the President this year.

A comprehensive energy plan is vital to our economy.  We need reliable and affordable energy to sustain economic growth.  I am optimistic that with Chairman Domenici’s leadership, this committee will produce a good bill that will create jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and improve our energy infrastructure.

Senator Jim Bunning's statement:

A sound energy policy should promote the use of many difference types of energy and technology instead of focusing on just one source or technology as we have done in the past.

As we have seen time and time again, putting all our eggs in one basket simply doesn’t work.

Since I am from a coal state, I believe strongly in promoting the continued use of coal.  Creating cleaner burning coal technologies will ensure that coal can contribute to be a major resource choice for Americans.

I am glad that the Chairman’s mark contains a coal title which promotes clean coal technology.  While the title is not perfect, I hope that we can continue to work together to ensure that coal will have a viable future.