Energy Bill - Senate Floor Amendments
June 15, 2005
12:00 AM
Related Files
Clinton National Priority Project-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 ClintonNationalPriorityProjectUC.pdf (83.96 KB)
Alexander windmill amendment - offered and not agreed to 32-63 on 6/22 Alexanderwindmillsiting.pdf (27.44 KB)
Harkin H2 Fuels Research Program - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 HarkinH2FuelsResearchProgramUC.pdf (38.19 KB)
Bingaman RPS Amendment - Offered 6/16 BingamanRPS.pdf (1.62 MB)
Obama Fisher-Tropsch transportation fuels amendment - passed by UC on 6/23 ObamaFisherTropsch.pdf (54.18 KB)
Kerry Climate Change amendment offered and not agreed to, 46-49, on 6/22 Kerryclimatechange.pdf (167.50 KB)
Cantwell violations relief clarification amendment - passed by UC on 6/23 Cantwellextraordinaryviolationsrelief.pdf (13.74 KB)
Murkowski Oceans Renewables amendment - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 MurkowskioceanrenewablesUC.pdf (14.81 KB)
Salazar Western IGCC Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 SalazarWesternIGCC.pdf (29.03 KB)
Hutchison petroleum coke gasification - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 HutchisonpetroleumcokegasificationUC.pdf (13.38 KB)
Byrd Clean Coal Power Initiative Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 Byrdcleancoalpowerinitiative.pdf (164.96 KB)
Snowe Energy Star Technologies Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 SnoweEnergyStar.pdf (31.77 KB)
Wyden / Dorgan SPR amendment - offered 6/20 WydenSPRamendment.pdf (294.54 KB)
Jeffords Coalbed methane study amendment - passed by UC on 6/23 Jeffordscoalbedmethane.pdf (24.70 KB)
Stabenow gas price investigation - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 StabenowFTCgaspriceinvestigationUC.pdf (30.00 KB)
Enzi Lease Reinstatement Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 Enzileasereinstatement.pdf (27.62 KB)
Talent alternative fuels amendment - offered and agreed to by UC on 6/23 Talentalternativefuel.pdf (98.45 KB)
Bingaman sense of senate on Climate Change, offered, passed by UC on 6/22 BingamanSoSClimateChange.pdf (20.67 KB)
Package of Tax Policy Incentives - offered 6/20 taxtitle.pdf (425.55 KB)
Conrad coal and liquid fuel amendment -- offered and greed to by UC on 6/22 Conradcoaltoliquidfueltechnology.pdf (30.15 KB)
Levin SPR amendment - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 LevinSPRUC.pdf (36.73 KB)
Durbin Next Generation Lighting Initiative -- passed by UC on 6/23 Durbinnextgenerationlightinginitiative.pdf (38.58 KB)
Pryor Alt Fuels-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 PryorAltFuelsUC.pdf (44.46 KB)
Feinstein LNG amendment, offered and tabled 52-45, on 6/22 FeinsteinLNGamendment.pdf (46.63 KB)
Schumer Motor Vehicle Tire Efficiency Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 Schumertireefficienct.pdf (72.97 KB)
Domenici offshore production amendment - offered, agreed to by UC on 6/23 Domenicioffshoreamendment.pdf (393.59 KB)
Lautenberg document altering amendment -- ruled non-germane 6/23 Lautenbergdocumentaltaring.pdf (175.52 KB)
Jeffords livestock methane - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 JeffordslivestockmethaneUC.pdf (11.73 KB)
Domenici improvements amendment - offered and agreed by UC on 6/16 Domeniciimprovementamendment.pdf (129.95 KB)
Dayton ethanol amendment - offered and withdrawn on 6/21 Daytonethanol.pdf (47.05 KB)
Jeffords Cap Complex-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 JeffordsCapComplexUC.pdf (46.84 KB)
Sununu incentives amendment - offered and not agreed to, 21-76, on 6/23 Sununuincentivesamendment.pdf (19.79 KB)
Bond/Levin CAFE amendment - offered 6/22, agreed to 64-31 on 6/23 BondCAFE.pdf (525.73 KB)
Hatch oil shale amendment - offered and agreed to by UC on 6/22 HatchOilShaleUC.pdf (197.50 KB)
Boxer Electricity Refunds-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 BoxerelectricityrefundsUC.pdf (25.31 KB)
Vitter LNG Open-rack reference study amendment - passed by UC on 6/23 VitterLNGopenracksystem.pdf (31.07 KB)
Levin H2 Technology Study-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 LevinH2technologystudyUC.pdf (76.27 KB)
DeWine NOPEC amendment - offered 6/21 DeWineNOPEC.pdf (33.22 KB)
Domenici managers amendment - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 DomeniciBingamanManagersAmendmentUC.pdf (268.32 KB)
Jeffords rural areas amendment - offered and passed by UC on 6/22 JeffordsruralremoteUC.pdf (49.06 KB)
Obama Fuel Commercialization Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 ObamaJointflexiblefuelhybridvehiclecommercialization.pdf (21.39 KB)
Murkowski Native Corp Fix-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 MurkowskinativecorpfixUC.pdf (14.61 KB)
Dorgan Power Plant Ed. Center-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 DorganPowerPlantEdCenterUC.pdf (30.90 KB)
Harkin Biomass R&D Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 HarkinbiomassRD.pdf (20.60 KB)
Schumer SPR amendment - offered 6/20 and tabled 57-39 on 6/22 SchumerSPR.pdf (1.58 MB)
Schumer Medical Isotopes Amendment-Offered 6/22 and agreed to, 52-46, 6/23 Schumermedicalisotopes.pdf (18.40 KB)
Voinovich Efficient Aircraft-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 VoinovichefficientaircraftUC.pdf (26.03 KB)
Kohl SBA amendment - offered and agreed to by UC on 6/22 KohlSBAMEPUC.pdf (19.74 KB)
McCain Climate Change Amendmen –Offered 6/21, not agreed to 38-60 on 6/22 Document.pdf (2.16 MB)
Hagel climate change amendment - offered and agreed to 66-29 on 6/21 Hagelclimatechange.pdf (1.13 MB)
Grassley managers amendment -- offered and passed by UC on 6/22 Grassleymanagersamendment.pdf (140.11 KB)
Kerry Small Business Loans Amendment - passed by UC on 6/23 KerrySmallBusinessLoans.pdf (150.01 KB)
Durbin CAFE amendment - offered 6/22 DurbinCAFE.pdf (270.56 KB)
Byrd rural gas prices amendment - offered and agreed by voice vote, 6/22 Byrdrural.pdf (51.24 KB)
Cornyn low vol. well research -- offered and passed by UC on 6/22 CornynlowvolwellresearchUC.pdf (43.78 KB)
Reid/Ensign DOE Whistleblower amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 ReidEnsignDOEwhistleblower.pdf (24.34 KB)
Domenici et al Ethanol Amendment offered 6/14 - agreed to 70-26 Domenicietalethanolamendment.pdf (133.42 KB)
Domenici technical amendment re: EPCA -- passed by UC on 6/23 DomeniciBingamanEPCAreference.pdf (13.86 KB)
Grassley / Baucus Tax Title Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 Grassleytaxtitle.pdf (281.22 KB)
Cantwell petroleum imports amendment - offered 6/15 and failed 47-53 CantwellPDF.pdf (662.95 KB)
Dodd Electrical Containments-Agreed to by UC on 6/22 DoddElectricalContaminantsUC.pdf (21.53 KB)
Inhofe Toxics Rulemaking Amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 InhofeToxicsRulemaking.pdf (29.92 KB)
Schumer 2nd Degree Ethanol Amendment - offered 6/15 and tabled 69-28 SchumerPDF.pdf (97.13 KB)
Voinovich Diesel Emissions Amendment – Offered 6/20 DieselRetrofitFinal.pdf (46.92 KB)
Cochran waste derived fuels amendment -- passed by UC on 6/23 Cochranwastederivedfuels.pdf (22.84 KB)
Martinez (for Nelson) OCS amendment - offered 6/20 - defeated 44-52 6/21 NelsonOCSamendment.pdf (334.39 KB)
Warner OCS amendment -- offered and withdrawn on 6/22 WarnerOCS.pdf (350.52 KB)