Energy Conference Update: A Forward March

July 22, 2005
03:30 PM

Energy Bill Conferees will meet this weekend in a rare Sunday session, at 2:00 p.m. in Rayburn 2123.  Chairman Barton said conferees will discuss Oil and Gas, Renewable Portfolio Standard, Hydropower, Geothermal, Climate Change, Ethanol and Fuels and Research & Development.  Base texts for these titles will be web-posted as they are available.



Chairman Barton also announced a Monday meeting, July 25, at 2:00 p.m. (location TBA), to consider the Incentives, Studies and Miscellaneous titles and complete unfinished business.  The aim is to wrap up a conference bill that can win approval before Congress leaves for August recess.



At yesterday’s mark-up, discussion of the Electricity title dominated debate, with several issues shelved for later consideration.  Specifically, conferees deferred action on an amendment from Sen. Burr that deals with particular pending mergers during the transition to new Merger Review Standards … Participant Funding … Enron Termination Fees … and some amendments to the Indian Energy and the Renewables titles.



See you Sunday?


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Bill Wicker


Democratic Communications Director


Senate Energy & Natural Resources
