Energy Bill Conference: Keeping You Informed
Energy Bill conferees meet today for a second time, in Rayburn 2123, at 11:00 a.m. (or 15 minutes after the end of a joint session, whichever is later). View the action live at
The following topics will be considered (though not necessarily in this order):
- Energy Efficiency
- Nuclear
- Vehicles & Fuels
- Hydrogen
- DOE Management
- Personnel & Training
- Coal
Agreed-upon texts of these titles are posted on the House Energy and the Senate Energy committee websites. “Agreed-upon” means that Republican and Democratic staffs from the relevant House and the Senate committees have settled on a base text for the purpose of mark-up.
In any given title, the text of a particular provision can come from either the House bill or the Senate amendment to that bill. In some instances, new language has been drafted to reflect a compromise. In the few instances where staff could not concur, the chairmen and ranking members of Senate Energy and House Energy (a.k.a., the Big Four) reached agreement.
There are three exceptions. On our websites you will notice [brackets] around text in the Nuclear title [Section 611 – Subrogation]; the DOE Management title [Section 1007 – Other Transaction Authority]; and the Coal title [Section 421 – Clean Air Coal Program]. These issues remain outstanding only because staff couldn’t reconcile them after the Big Four had met to discuss issues for this mark-up. They may be worked out before tomorrow’s meeting, or addressed later in conference.
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Bill Wicker
Democratic Communications Director
Senate Energy & Natural Resources