September 29, 2005
04:15 PM

Washington, D.C.  – Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee Chairman Pete V. Domenici today applauded Sandia National Laboratories for its work to identify global water supply problems and solutions.  Domenici today helped unveil a new report issued by Sandia and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


The report calls attention to the major, worldwide lack of usable water supplies, and calls for international governments to work in conjunction with private industry and laboratories to develop new technology that will provide fresh, clean water for people all over the world.


“Sandia National Laboratories is a leader in developing usable water technologies for public and private industry.  I applaud their work with CSIS to bring attention to the growing global water crisis. Although developing nations invest $72 billion a year on water, the number of people that lack access to fresh water is increasing,” Domenici said.


“Unfortunately, there is a lack of cohesive international policy on water.  Clearly, to me, the only answer to this problem is developing new and better technology.  Already, our national laboratories are making excellent progress on desalination equipment.  In fact, the victims of Hurricane Katrina are benefiting from this new technology in the Gulf region right now.  There needs to be a substantially increased U.S. investment in technology, as well as a renewed commitment to international cooperation in order to solve this problem,” he continued.


Domenici, who is drafting national water technology legislation, also submitted a statement into the Congressional Record noting the work of Sandia on this issue and addressing the importance of finding a solution to the global water crisis.


Below is an excerpt of Domenici’s floor statement:


“I believe and remain a champion of the need to look ahead, to see the future of water supplies in this nation and the world and to actively prepare for that future.  I have said before, and I still believe, that there is no more important or essential substance to us than water.  It is the source from which life springs.  It also has the potential to be the source of incredible conflict at both local and international levels.  Fresh water supplies are coming under pressure all over the globe.  Seriously confronting this problem before it leads to tremendous burdens on this nation and the world is an endeavor as worthwhile as any I can contemplate. The need is great.  The goal is good.  The initiatives I have discussed today, and others like them, can help us confront this problem.”