DOE Labs, Water Agencies and Private Sector Reps Launch “Roadmap” Effort

September 22, 2005
04:15 PM

Washington, D.C. – Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Pete V. Domenici today encouraged innovation by a congressionally-authorized group that will attempt to create a “roadmap” for assuring sufficient energy and water in the future.


The group met for the first time Thursday in Washington.  Domenici, who as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that funds the Energy Department and federal water programs, issued a message to the group, which includes representatives from twelve DOE national laboratories and a diverse group of water experts.  Sandia National Laboratories is spearheading the effort.


“Energy and water are interdependent.  We cannot have sufficient energy without having sufficient water.  The reverse is also true.  Drinking water and wastewater treatment are dependent on having the energy to pump, move and treat it,” Domenici said.  “This new roadmap initiative will require its participants to be innovative.”


As part of the recently-enacted National Energy Policy Act of 2005, DOE was directed to research, develop, demonstrate and commercialize programs to address interdependent energy and water problems.  Today’s executive committee meeting represents the first step in the effort to develop a roadmap to carry out this mandate in cooperation with municipalities, industry and other organizations.


Domenici, through the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, has provided funding through Sandia National Laboratories to undertake the roadmapping effort that is expected to take about a year.


“The federal government has a responsibility to help find solutions for the future through research and development investments, including water efficiency and treatment technologies,” Domenici said.  “We are depleting our water supplies.   Energy, agriculture, industry and municipal uses are all at risk.  We must act now to ensure the supplies of the future.”


DOE laboratories involved in this project include:   Sandia National Laboratories (NM); Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM); Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (CA); Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA); National Renewable Energy Laboratory (CO); Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (WA); Idaho National Laboratory (ID); Argonne National Laboratory (IL); National Energy Technology Laboratory (WV, PA, OK); Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY); Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN); and Savannah River National Laboratory (SC).





For additional information on the Energy-Water Roadmap effort contact: Mike Hightower, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, 505-844-5499, or


For information on Domenici's overall efforts in water research and development, contact: Erik Webb, Office of Senator Domenici, 201 Third Street NW, Suite 710, Albuquerque, NM 87104, 505-346-6726, or