U.S. Senate Today Voted 88-0 to Approve the Spurgeon Nomination

March 27, 2006
06:49 PM

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate today voted 88-0 to approve the nomination of Dennis Spurgeon to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Energy.

Chairman Domenici’s statement:

“With the confirmation today of Dennis Spurgeon to the position of Assistant Secretary of Nuclear Energy, this post has been restored to the position of importance it merits. Mr. Spurgeon has had a distinguished career in government and the private sector. He brings remarkable expertise to the Department of Energy. We are on the cusp of a nuclear power renaissance in this country. I think Mr. Spurgeon’s leadership and expertise come at a critical time. It’s apparent from the vote today, that the Senate agrees. I congratulate Mr. Spurgeon on his new position.”

Dennis Spurgeon recently served as vice president and chief operating officer of USEC, Inc., a leading international supplier of enriched uranium for nuclear power plants. He previously served as chief operating officer for UNC Resources. Prior to joining UNC, he was assistant director for fuel cycle in the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA.) Spurgeon received a B.S. degree from U.S. Naval Academy and a M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from MIT.
