Chairmen Domenici and Inhofe to Introduce Administration's Yucca Mountain Bill Today

April 6, 2006
03:21 PM


Washington, D.C. – Sen. Pete Domenici, Chairman of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee, and Sen. James Inhofe, Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, will today introduce as legislation the Yucca Mountain language sent to the two chairmen by the Department of Energy yesterday. The chairmen are introducing the bill at the request of the Administration.

Chairman Domenici’s statement:

“I’m pleased to receive the Administration’s proposed language and introduce it today with my colleague, Jim Inhofe. I plan to hold a hearing on this issue in my committee in the near future.”

Chairman Inhofe’s statement:

“Opening a permanent repository is critical to expanding the use of nuclear power in this country, and I am pleased to introduce this legislation at the request of the Administration with my friend, Pete Domenici.”

The bill would withdraw permanently from public use the land at and surrounding the Yucca Mountain repository site in Nevada,  facilitate Congress’ ability to provide adequate funding for the Yucca Mountain Project and eliminate the current statutory 70,000 metric ton cap on waste storage at the mountain.

The bill includes funding reform to correct a budget problem that has hampered full funding for Yucca in recent years and eliminates artificial restrictions on the capacity of the repository. The permanent land withdrawal is necessary to meet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s licensing requirement for Yucca.
