Witnesses Announced for Thursday, May 25 Full Committee Hearing

May 22, 2006
03:17 PM

The full committee will hold a hearing on Thursday, May 25 at 10:00 a.m. in SD-366 to receive testimony regarding the outlook for growth of coal fired electric generation and whether sufficient supplies of coal will be available to supply electric generators on a timely basis both in the near term and in the future.

Invited Witnesses Include:

Panel 1

Mr. Howard Gruenspecht
Deputy Administrator
Energy Information Administration
Department of Energy

Panel 2

Mr. Mac McLennan
Vice President of External Affairs
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association
Westminster, CO

Mr. David Wilks
President of Energy Supply
Xcel Energy Services Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Testifying on behalf of Consumers United for Rail Equity and Edison Electric Institute
Mr. Robert Sahr
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
Pierre, SD
Testifying on behalf of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

Mr. Steven Jackson
Director of Power Supply
Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia
Atlanta, GA

Mr. Edward Hamberger
President and CEO
Association of American Railroads
Washington, DC