Domenici Pleased with Ethanol Provisions in FY07 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill

June 22, 2006
04:00 PM

Washington, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Committee today marked up H.R. 5521, the Legislative Branch Appropriations bill. The bill requires the use of ethanol-compatible vehicles and ethanol-based fuel in the legislative branch of government to the extent possible. The bill also requires the installation of an E85 fuel pump on the Capitol Complex.

Energy Chairman Pete Domenici, a member of the Appropriations Committee, made the following statement:

“I am very pleased that the Appropriations Committee has provided funding for the E85 fueling station and the flex-fuel vehicles. We did a lot of work in the energy bill to expand America’s use of renewable fuels. As a result, we are seeing a strong interest in E85 and flex-fuel cars. I’m proud to see Capitol Hill take the lead in encouraging the use of E85 vehicles in the federal fleet.”

Section 209 of H.R. 5521 requires that future vehicles purchased by the legislative branch be compatible to use fuel that runs on a mix of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, called E85. With the given increase in demand for E85 fuel, the Architect of the Capitol is also to install an E85 fuel pump on the Capitol Complex for the government vehicles. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorizes this provision by requiring the Capitol Complex to used bio-based fuels such as ethanol to the extent possible.