Domenici Appoints Frank J. Macchiarola as Committee Staff Director Effective August 1st

July 17, 2006
04:42 PM
 Washington, D.C. – Senate Energy & Natural Resources Chairman Pete V. Domenici today announced that Majority Counsel Frank J. Macchiarola will become staff director of the energy committee effective August 1.
Macchiarola replaces Bruce Evans who is leaving the committee at the end of the month to become staff director of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Chairman Domenici’s statement:
“I have been very impressed with Frank’s work since he joined the committee. I worked closely with him on key EPAct provisions and he has been a key advisor on my most important legislation this year, the Lease Sale 181 bill, which I hope to take to the floor later this month. I am delighted that Frank has agreed to accept this responsibility. He has my full confidence and trust.”
Macchiarola joined the committee in November, 2004. Prior to that, he was in private law practice in New York City.  He earned his B.A. from the College of the Holy Cross and his J.D. from NYU School of Law.