Senate Confirms Drue Pearce to be Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects

August 4, 2006
03:39 PM
Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate late Thursday confirmed Drue Pearce to be Federal Coordinator of Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects.
Chairman Domenici’s statement:
“With a background in state and federal policy, Drue Pearce is well qualified to oversee development of a major federal project such as the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.   The pipeline is an important project not only to Alaska, but to the lower 48 states which are today so dependent on natural gas.  Having Drue Pearce in this position will help ensure that the project is built and opened without unnecessary delays.”
Pearce is currently the Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs at the Department of Interior, a role which makes her the policy coordinator for DOI’s efforts to build an Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.
Pearce was twice elected to the Alaska State House and then to the State Senate, where she served as Senate President.  She and her family maintain a home in Alaska.