Senators Help America’s Future Keep Pace with Global Competition

September 26, 2006
10:06 AM
Washington, D.C. – Today, a bipartisan group of Senators announced that they will jointly introduce the National Competitiveness Investment Act (NCIA).  The NCIA initiative strengthens our nation’s ability to compete in the global high-tech marketplace. It contains many of the provisions that were included in the Protecting America’s Competitive Edge (PACE) bill introduced in January by Senators Domenici, Bingaman, Alexander, and Mikulski. Senator Domenici and Senator Bingaman issued the following statements regarding the NCIA initiative:
Senator Domenici:
“Strengthening American competitiveness helps fuel our economy and ensures the success of our future.  Our world is constantly changing and we must keep pace with that change. This new initiative will enhance our competitive edge in the global economy. I look forward to the Senate passing this legislation when we return later this fall.”
Senator Bingaman:  
 “If America is to continue to lead the world in the 21st Century, it must sustain its vibrant science and technology sector.  This bill will improve R&D, encourage education and contribute to our nation’s future well being, health, environment and security.  I look forward to Senate passage of this initiative to ensure that America is stronger, smarter and will continue to lead the world in scientific and technological innovation.”
Various measures from the PACE bill included in the NCIA initiative increase federal support for basic research in the physical sciences, establish partnerships between national laboratories and high schools, and invest in cleaner, more reliable and efficient energy technologies.
The PACE Act implemented 20 recommendations contained in a recent report by a distinguished group from the National Academy of Science (NAS) led by Norm Augustine, Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lockheed Martin Corporation, titled “Rising Above the Gathering Storm.” The report emerged from the concern that the United States role as a global economic leader will erode in the coming years if our country doesn’t proactively seek to improve the scientific and technological expertise of our workforce.