Domenici Pleased by Expanded Ethanol Standard, Disappointed by Lack of Attention to Nuclear Power

January 23, 2007
11:40 AM
Washington, D.C.The President’s energy security goals are laudable but he overlooks nuclear energy’s tremendous potential for reducing carbon emissions in his State of the Union speech, said Senate Energy & Natural Resources Ranking Member Pete V. Domenici.
Domenici’s statement:
“I appreciate the President’s leadership in seeking to reduce our use of gasoline over the next decade by sharply expanding the ethanol standard we included in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The President has raised the bar on our commitment to renewable fuels and given us a goal worthy of our best efforts. I am pleased that he proposes an improvement in CAFÉ standards and I’m optimistic that increased efficiency coupled with expanded alternative fuel production can help us reduce gasoline consumption.
“However, I am very disappointed. The President gave little attention to the tremendous promise nuclear power holds for this nation. Nuclear energy received only a passing mention in his speech. Expanding our use of nuclear power is the single most significant thing we can do to confront climate change. Nuclear power is America’s and the world’s greatest source of carbon-free energy. Advanced nations and emerging economies around the world are expanding their use of nuclear power as quickly as they can in response to a growing global concern over climate change. Here in America, we continue to ignore the obvious. I have been troubled by the Administration’s tepid commitment in recent months to loan guarantees that provide the support needed to deploy new nuclear power plants as well as biomass, solar and clean coal projects.  All of these energy sources can help us address climate change.”