Domenici Calls Lift of Moratoria in Bristol Bay, Mid-Gulf Regions the Right Move for Energy Security
January 9, 2007
06:45 PM
Washington, D.C. – Senator Domenici praised President Bush for lifting bans today on oil and gas leasing in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region as well as lifting the executive ban on oil and gas development in Lease Sale 181 South.
Congress last month passed Senator Domenici’s bill lifting much of the moratoria in Lease Sale 181 and Lease Sale 181 South. The Administration’s lift of the ban in the mid-Gulf region today was in response to the bipartisan passage of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act signed into law a few weeks ago.
Domenici’s statement:
“Congress last month and the Administration today have taken strong steps to stabilize energy price and supply. We have sent a message to the global energy market that America is serious about meeting more of our own oil and gas needs. We are producing more of our own energy while we work to increase conservation and develop new energies we hope will one day wean us off foreign oil.
“President Bush’s decision to lift the moratorium in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region builds on Congress’s efforts in the Gulf. Developing these rich resources means we create thousands of new jobs. We hang onto the high-paying manufacturing jobs that for too long we have sent overseas and we ensure more affordable energy for consumers and businesses. Step by step, we are inoculating our economy from the vagaries of the global energy market.”