Committee Calendar (9 hearings)

January 23, 2007
03:13 PM
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Business Meeting
WHEN:                   Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 9:45 a.m.
WHAT:                    Organizational Business Meeting
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To adopt a funding resolution and rules and to ratify subcommittee assignments.
EIA Hearing
WHEN:                   Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 9:45 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To receive testimony on the Energy Information Administration’s analysis of draft global warming legislation.
Howard K. Gruenspecht, Ph.D.                                          Anne E. Smith, Ph.D.
Deputy Administrator                                                         Vice President
Energy Information Administration                                 CRA International
Mr. Jason Grumet                                                                Mr. Jeff Sterba
Executive Director                                                             Chairman, President and CEO
National Commission on Energy Policy                          PNM Resources (Albuquerque, NM)
Daniel A. Lashof, Ph.D.
Science Director, Climate Center
Natural Resources Defense Council
OCS Hearing
WHEN:                   Thursday, Jan. 25 at 9:30 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To receive testimony on oil and gas resources on the Outer Continental Shelf and areas available for leasing in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Hon. C. Stephen Allred                                             Mr. J. Larry Nichols
Assistant Secretary                                                         Chairman and CEO
Department of the Interior                                             Devon Energy
Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson                                       Mr. Athen Manuel
Department of Environmental Protection                   Director of Lands Protection
State of New Jersey                                                           Sierra Club
Mr. Paul Siegele                                                                 The Hon. Majorie McKeithen
Vice President – Deepwater                                           Assistant Secretary for Mineral Resources
Chevron Corporation                                                         State of Louisiana
Wildfire Suppression
WHEN:                   Tuesday, Jan. 30 at 10:00 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To consider the status of Federal land management agencies’ efforts to contain the costs of their wildfire suppression activities and to consider recent independent reviews of and recommendations for those efforts.
The Hon. Dirk Kempthorne (or designee)                     The Hon. Mark Rey
Secretary                                                                             Undersecretary for Environment & Natural Resources
U.S. Department of the Interior                                     U.S. Department of Agriculture
The Hon. Phyllis K. Fong                                                    Ms. Robin Nazzaro
Inspector General                                                              Director, Natural Resources and Environment
U.S. Department of Agriculture                                      Government Accountability Office
Mr. James Caswell                                                             Dr. Bruce McDowell
Co-chair --  Panel on Fire Suppression Costs               Fellow   
Wildland Fire Leadership Council                                   National Academy of Public Administration
Mr. Kirk Rowdabaugh
Arizona State Forester
(for the Western Governors Association)
Fuel Efficiency Technologies
WHEN:                   Tuesday, Jan. 30 at 2:30 p.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To receive testimony on transportation sector fuel economy, including challenges to and incentives for increased oil savings.
Ms. Betty Lowery                                             Mr. William Logue
Vice President for Public Policy                      Executive Vice President
General Motors Corporation                            FedEx Express
Detroit, MI                                                        Memphis, TN   
Mr. John German                                             Dr. Walter S. McManus
Manager, Environmental & Energy Analysis    President, Automotive Analysis Division
Product Regulator Office                                 Transportation Research Institute
American Honda Motor Co.                             University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI                                                  Ann Arbor, MI
Dr. Menahem Anderman                                 Dr. David Greene
President                                                         National Transportation Research Center
Advanced Automotive Batteries                      Oak Ridge National laboratory
Oregon House, CA                                           Knoxville, TN
DOE Budget
WHEN:                   Wednesday, Feb. 7 at 9:30 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To consider the President’s proposed budget for FY 2008 for the U.S. Department of Energy
Invited Witness
The Hon. Samuel W. Bodman
U.S. Department of Energy
Northern Mariana Islands
WHEN:                   Thursday, Feb. 8 at 9:30 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To hear testimony on labor, immigration, law enforcement and economic conditions in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
The Hon. Dirk Kempthorne (invited)                              The Hon. Benigno R. Fitial
Secretary of the Interior                                                  Governor
U.S. Department of the Interior                                     Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
The Hon. Pedro Tenorio                                                     The Hon. David M. Walker (invited)
Resident Representative                                                 Comptroller General
Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas                  General Accounting Office
Ambassador Hadyn Williams                                           Mr. Herman Q. Guerrero
Covenant Negotiator                                                         Covenant Negotiator
San Francisco, CA                                                              Tigard, OR
Ms. Lauri Ogumoro                                                            Mr. Juan T. Guerrero
Karidat                                                                                  President
(a local social services NGO)                                           Saipan Chamber of Commerce
Saipan, MP                                                                           Saipan, MP
Stern Review
WHEN:                   Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 10:00 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Hart 216
WHY:                      To receive testimony on the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change, examining the economic impacts of climate change and stabilizing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Sir Nicholas Stern                                                              Other witnesses TBD        
Advisor to the U.K. Government
On Climate Policy and Development
DOI Budget
WHEN:                   Thursday, Feb. 15 at 9:30 a.m.
WHAT:                    Full committee hearing
WHERE:                 Dirksen 366
WHY:                      To consider the President’s proposed budget for FY 2008 for the Department of the Interior.
Invited Witness
The Hon. Dirk Kempthorne
U.S. Department of the Interior
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