Domenici Statement on Energy Bill Status

Senator Criticizes Democratic Leadership Decision to Prevent Conference

October 11, 2007
10:57 AM
            WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today issued the following statement regarding the status of pending energy legislation:
            “I am extremely disappointed to hear that Speaker Pelosi has decided against holding a conference committee to finalize an energy bill and will instead attempt to write a new energy bill through a closed-door process.
            “In particular, it is unfortunate that Democratic leadership in the House has chosen to forgo the normal process for passing legislation by sending the Senate an entirely new bill, instead of taking up Senate-passed legislation.
            “This strategic decision by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats has prevented the Senate from even appointing conferees.  As it stands right now, we don’t have a bill that we could conference, which is entirely the fault of House Democrats.
             “I know from experience how difficult it is to put together an energy bill.  When I was chairman of the Energy Committee in 2005, I made sure that we had an open, bipartisan process that included a real conference.  That conference produced a bill that passed both houses of Congress by wide margins.  I also know from experience that if Majority Leadership truly desires a conference, that goal could be achieved.
            “I believe that the only way to pass an energy bill that will have a chance at final passage is through a bipartisan conference committee.  I remain hopeful that we can still go this route, and that the Leadership will keep their word and hold a conference committee.”