H.R. 1483: Celebrating America's Heritage Act

March 12, 2007
12:00 AM


  • Jun 16 2008 12:00AM:

    Reported to the Senate with amendment in the nature of a substitute. S. Rept. 110-381

  • May 7 2008 12:00AM: Full committee business meeting; ordere reported with amendment in the nature of a substitute. (voice vote)
  • Apr 23 2008 12:00AM: Hearing by subcommittee. S. Hrg. 110-514
  • Oct 25 2007 12:00AM:

    Referred to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

  • Oct 24 2007 12:00AM:

    Passed House. (299-122)

  • Oct 18 2007 12:00AM: Reported to the House, amended by House Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 110-388
  • Mar 12 2007 12:00AM: Introduced.