Announcement Comes As Domenici Introduces Major Bipartisan Biofuels Legislation

March 27, 2007
04:28 PM
WASHINGTON – Hours after introducing major bipartisan legislation to develop and eventually require the use of advanced biofuels, U.S. Senator Pete Domenici today praised an announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy that over $23 million will be provided for five projects that will advance the development of cellulosic ethanol. 
The DOE action will allow five entities to work on projects that will help bring cellulosic ethanol—ethanol not derived from corn—to market.  Earlier today, Domenici and Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) unveiled the Biofuels for Energy Security and Transportation (BEST) Act of 2007 (S.987), which sets a new renewable fuel standard from a level of 8.5 billion gallons next year to 36 billion gallons of ethanol in 2022. 
From 2016-2022, the bill requires an increasing portion of the renewable fuels consumed to be advanced biofuels, such as cellulosic ethanol.
“By striving to make cellulosic ethanol cost competitive, President Bush has led the way on this issue.  Announcements like today’s show that the Administration is serious about reducing dependence on foreign oil through the development of advanced biofuels,” Domenici said.
“I’m pleased to join Senator Bingaman to introduce legislation today that builds on the President’s goals by setting new renewable fuel standards that could lead to as much as 36 billion gallons of ethanol by 2022.  The BEST Act sets an ambitious standard for the use of advanced biofuels, like cellulosic ethanol, because I believe they will be a major part of our energy future.  I look forward to moving this bill through our committee,” he continued.
The BEST Act includes several measures that help promote the establishment of a biofuels infrastructure, including grants to states and localities to build biofuel distribution and fueling stations, the establishment of seven bioenergy research centers, and grants for research technologies in states with low rates of ethanol production.
The five applicants selected for DOE funding are: Cargill Incorporated ($4.4 million), Celunol Corporation ($5.3 million), E.I. Dupont de Nemours & Company ($3.7 million), Mascoma Corporation ($4.9 million), and Purdue University ($5 million).