The Week Ahead (March 26-30)
March 23, 2007
04:20 PM
Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources
Week of March 26-30, 2007
On Monday, March 26, the full committee will host a two-hour roundtable discussion on the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The discussion will take place between Members of the Committee and some of the most respected and influential authorities on the EU’s trading scheme.
Last year, Sens. Bingaman and Domenici hosted an all-day workshop on the design features of a mandatory market-based program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. This roundtable on Monday is in keeping with their commitment to educate themselves and others in the Senate on these complex issues.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme is the largest multi-country, multi-sector greenhouse gas emissions trading system in the world. When first launched in 2005, the new trading system experienced problems; however, its performance today offers helpful insight and lessons to policymakers who want to better understand how a market-based trading program could operate efficiently and effectively in the United States. Experts who will join ENR Members at this roundtable will include Jos Delbeke of the EU Commission (Brussels); Per-Otto Wold, founding partner and CEO of Point Carbon (Oslo); Garth Edward, Shell Oil (London); Jean-Yves Caneill, Electricté de France (Paris); Bruno Vanderborght, Holcim Cement (Zurich); and Denny Ellerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston). A panelist biography sheet and other backgrounder are attached.
Monday’s discussion is open to the press and to public. Dirksen G-50, 2:00 p.m.
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