The Week Ahead (April 16-20)

April 13, 2007
07:35 AM
Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources
Week of April 16 – 20 2007
Ø     On Monday, April 16th, the full committee will hold a legislative hearing on two bi-partisan bills aimed at mitigating carbon emissions: S.731, the National CO2 Storage Capacity Assessment Act of 2007 and S.962, the DOE Carbon Capture and Storage Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 2007.  S.731 requests that the Secretary of the Interior oversee a USGS study that will develop a methodology for, and complete, a national assessment of the geological storage capacity for CO2.  S. 962 will amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to reauthorize and improve the carbon capture and storage research, development, and demonstration program at the DOE.  The bill aims to fast-track large-scale CO2 injection projects into geologic formations.  Liability issues around large-scale injection of CO2 into geologic formations and long term geologic carbon storage will be discussed.  (Dirksen 366, 2:30 p.m.)
Invited witnesses are:  Dr. Mark Meyers, Director, United States Geological Survey; David Hawkins, Director of Climate Center, Natural Resources Defense Council; Tom Shope, Acting Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Department of Energy; Kipp Coddington, Partner, Alston and Bird; and Dr. George Guthrie, Program Director for Fossil Energy and the Environment, Los Alamos National Laboratory
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