Domenici Applauds Cooperation Between U.S. and China on Nuclear Reactor

Senator Points to Today’s Strategic Economic Dialogue as Further Evidence of Growing Relationship

May 23, 2007
11:13 AM
WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, commended the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) approval of a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on nuclear safety with the People’s Republic of China.
The MOC will establish a dual U.S./China Steering Committee to oversee the cooperation and safety of the new Westinghouse Advanced Pressurized Reactor (AP1000).  The construction of the new reactor design will allow for the opportunity to improve the efficiency of regulatory reviews and will provide for greater cooperation between the U.S. and China on energy issues.
“In order to address global climate change, the United States must engage China and other developing countries.  This agreement on nuclear energy advances our efforts to forge global cooperation on energy issues.  I look forward to seeing further collaboration between the United States and China beginning with today’s second Strategic Economic Dialogue between U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi.”
The AP1000 is the most advanced reactor in the industry, and has been adopted by China as their standardized design.  There are at least 12 AP1000’s slated for use in the U.S.
Under the 2004 Protocol on “Cooperation in Science and Technology,” the MOC establishes the foundation for continued support for safety issues within the NRC in the U.S. and regulatory councils in China.
Last month, Senator Domenici held a meeting with Chinese Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong in which he discussed the importance of bilateral cooperation in global energy issues.