Domenici Urges Balanced Energy Policy

Senator Says Comprehensive Approach Needed to Reduce Oil Dependence

May 8, 2007
05:04 PM
            WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, ranking member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today called for a “common-sense, balanced approach” to energy policy in order to reduce U.S. dependence on oil.
            At an Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee hearing today, Domenici made clear that he backs a wide range of approaches to strengthening our energy security, including addressing conservation and efficiency and increasing domestic production.  Domenici is also the ranking member of that panel and a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
            “On Sunday, the national average price of retail gasoline rose for the 14th consecutive day, and was still above $3.00 a gallon.  Gas prices are now hitting Americans where it hurts—in their pocketbooks.  In order to strengthen our energy security and our economic security—and lower our gas prices-- we must do more to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” Domenici said.
            “We need a complete approach to our energy policy.  That means that policies of ‘drill-only,’ ‘renewables-only,’ or ‘conserve-only’ are not enough.  We have to support policies that advance conservation and efficiency at home, provide for additional domestic production in an environmentally sensitive manner, and diversify the kind of fuels that power our lives.  It is only this kind of comprehensive approach that will meet the challenge,” Domenici continued.
            Domenici noted that the Energy Policy Act, passed in 2005, set the right comprehensive path toward energy security.  The bill included long term innovative policies on efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear energy and electricity. It also established the first-ever renewable fuel standard, which brought renewable biofuels into supplies, displacing foreign oil.
            Last year, Domenici led a successful effort to increase domestic production of oil and natural gas.  The Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act opened up areas in the Gulf of Mexico expected to provide 1.26 billion barrels of crude oil and 5.83 trillion cubic feet of natural gas—enough natural gas to heat and cool 6 million homes for 15 years.
            “The last two years have been very productive for energy policy.  I believe that we’ve finally set our nation on the right path by promoting nuclear energy, renewable energy, and allowing for more domestic production.  But more must be done, which is why Senator Bingaman and I have passed the Energy Security Act out of the Senate Energy Committee.  Our bill will dramatically expand the use of biofuels and promote energy efficiency.  I look forward to addressing this legislation, and debating other proposals, on the floor of the Senate in the coming weeks,” Domenici said.
            Bingaman and Domenici’s Energy Savings Act passed the Energy and Natural Resources Committee on a 20-3 vote last week.  The bill is expected to be considered by the full Senate in June.