S. 2561: Identify Sites and Resources to Commemorate and Interpret the Cold War

January 28, 2008
12:00 AM


  • Sep 19 2008 12:00AM: Congressional Budget Office cost estimate received.
  • Sep 16 2008 12:00AM: Reported to the Senate without amendment, without written report.
  • Sep 11 2008 12:00AM: Full committee business meeting; ordered reported without amendment. (voice vote)
  • Jul 30 2008 12:00AM: Hearing by subcommittee. S. Hrg. 110-599
  • Jul 17 2008 12:00AM: Mrs. Collins added as cosponsor.
  • May 1 2008 12:00AM: Ms. Snowe added as cosponsor.
  • Feb 5 2008 12:00AM: Mr. Ensign added as cosponsor.
  • Jan 28 2008 12:00AM: Introduced.