Domenici Reacts to News that Democrats Will Cancel Appropriations Markups

July 22, 2008
04:53 PM
             WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, had the following reaction to news that Democrats will cancel scheduled markups to consider the Second Supplemental Appropriations bill and the FY2009 Interior Appropriations Bill:
            “It is obvious that Democrats are running scared on the issue of production.  They are so desperate to avoid considering increased production of American oil that they have now cancelled two markups that were scheduled for Thursday to consider important spending bills.
           “Democrats knew that Republicans would offer amendments to lift the moratorium on offshore exploration and oil shale development.  Not only is the Majority preventing Republicans from offering amendments and having an open debate on the Senate floor, they are now doing it in committee also.
           “The American people want action.  Cancelling markups and blocking votes on amendments is not what they have in mind.”