Murkowski Seeks to Halt EPA Endangerment of U.S. Economy

December 14, 2009
03:57 PM
DECEMBER  14, 2009                                             or ANNE JOHNSON (202) 224-7875       
Sen. Murkowski Seeks to Halt EPA Endangerment of U.S. Economy
Legislative Veto of Agency Rule will Take Worst Option for Reducing Emissions off Table
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today announced her intention to file a disapproval resolution to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. Murkowski’s resolution comes in the wake of the agency’s recent endangerment finding, which will result in damaging new regulations that endanger America’s economy.
“I remain committed to reducing emissions through a policy that will protect our environment and strengthen our economy, but EPA’s backdoor climate regulations achieve neither of those goals,” Murkowski said. “EPA regulation must be taken off the table so that we can focus on more responsible approaches to dealing with global climate change.”
While the administration claims the endangerment finding is merely an affirmation of the science behind global climate change, Murkowski said that aspect is just the tip of the iceberg.
“The EPA administrator’s move has thrown open the door to expensive and intrusive government regulation – as far from a market-based solution as we can possibly imagine,” Murkowski said. “The endangerment finding is aptly named. It endangers jobs, it endangers economic growth, and it endangers American competitiveness, while setting the stage for backdoor bureaucratic intrusion into the lives of Americans on an unprecedented scale.
The administration introduced the endangerment finding the week before the president travelled to Copenhagen, instead of working with Congress to find a bipartisan solution to the nation’s climate and energy challenges. Congress should be given the time it needs to draft, debate and ultimately pass climate legislation.
“The EPA has taken these actions despite the fact that Congress is continuing to work on climate legislation. I find that highly counter-productive, especially as our nation struggles to regain its economic footing,” Murkowski said. “The endangerment finding must be stopped so that Congress can pass responsible legislation that is sound on its own merits, and not merely a defense against the threat of damaging regulations.” 
Murkowski warned those who believe EPA action will prod Congress to act faster that such a strategy is likely to fail and carry with it unintended consequences.
“Make no mistake – Congress is being threatened in a misguided attempt to move a climate bill forward,” Murkowski said. “But this strategy is highly flawed because it assumes Congress will pass economically damaging legislation in order to stave off economically damaging regulations. That’s a false choice and it should be rejected outright.”   
Instead of threatening Congress, Murkowski said the administration would be better served by seeking a constructive role in policy formulation.
“This administration should be able to work with this Congress to pass needed, common-sense, and transparent reforms to our energy and environmental policies,” Murkowski said. “Until the administration stops playing Russian roulette with the economy and decides to reach across the aisle, however, it will be difficult to do anything but oppose the irresponsible decisions that are being made.”
Murkowski will file her disapproval resolution pursuant to the provisions of the Congressional Review Act (CRA). Sen. Don Nickles, R-Okla., and Sen. Harry Reid, D-NV, were the principal sponsors of the CRA, incorporated into the Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. 
Upon introduction, a disapproval resolution is referred to the committee of jurisdiction, which in this case will be the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. If the committee does not favorably report the resolution within 20 calendar days, it may be discharged upon petition by 30 Senators. Once a disapproval resolution is placed on the Senate calendar, it is then subject to expedited consideration on the Senate floor, and not subject to filibuster.
The full text of Murkowski’s speech is attached.
For further information, please contact Robert Dillon at 202.224.6977 or or Anne Johnson at 202.224.7875 or