Four Hearings on Energy Bill Announced

March 2, 2009
02:00 PM
Comprehensive energy legislation soon will emerge, front and center, in the Senate. To help reporters track the action, we’re writing to tell you about the next four hearings in our committee.  Each of these hearings will help inform the bipartisan bill that our committee hopes to produce.
  • Smart GridOn Tuesday, March 3, the committee will receive testimony on the process of “smart grid” initiatives and technologies.  Witnesses will  include Commissioner Suedeen Kelly, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;  Patrick Gallagher, deputy director, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Frederick Butler, commissioner, National Association of Regulatory, Utility Commissioners, Newark, NJ; Edward Lu, Program Manager, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA; Patricia Hoffman, principal deputy assistant secretary, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy; Katherine Hamilton, president, GridWise Alliance; and Evan Gaddis, president and chief executive, National Electrical Manufacturers Association.  (Dirksen 106, 10:00 a.m.)


  • Energy R&DOn Thursday, March 5, the Committee will receive testimony regarding draft legislation on energy research and development.  Witnesses will include Secretary Steven Chu, U.S. Department of Energy;  Dr. George Crabtree, Associate Division Director, Argonne National Laboratory; Bob Fri, visiting scholar, Resources for the Future; Dr. James Bartis , Senior Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation; Deborah Wince-Smith, President, Council on Competitiveness; and Dr. Mike Corradini, Director, Wisconsin Institute of Nuclear Systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison.  (Hart 216,  9:30 a.m.)
  • Water Development and Energy Production:  On Tuesday, March 10, the committee will receive testimony on legislation to authorize an in-depth analysis of the impact of energy development and production on the water resources of the United States.  Witnesses TBA.  (Dirksen 366, 10:00 a.m.)
  • Electricity Transmission: On Thursday, March 12, the committee will examine draft legislation regarding the siting of electricity transmission lines, include increased Federal siting authority and regional transmission planning.  Witnesses TBA.  (Dirksen 366, 9:30 a.m.; overflow room is Dirksen 406)
Whether in print, on the air or online, we hope that you continue to make our offices your first call for tracking this legislation.  If you have questions, please contact either of us. 
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