The Week Ahead (March 9-13)

March 6, 2009
05:32 PM
Ø      On Tuesday, March 10, the full committee will receive testimony on S. 531, the Energy and Water Integration Act of 2009.  Witnesses will include Carl Bauer, Director of the National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy; Stephen Bolze, president, GE Power & Water; Michael Webber, associate professor, The University of Texas at Austin; Peter Gleick, president, Pacific Institute, Oakland, CA; and Lon House, president, Water and Energy Consulting, Cameron Park, CA.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)
Ø      On Thursday, March 12, the full committee will hold a hearing on electricity transmission.   Witnesses will include Jon Wellinghoff, acting chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;  Tony Clark, commissioner, North Dakota Public Service Commission;  Reid Detchon, executive director, Energy Future Coalition;  James Dickenson, managing director, JEA;  Joseph L. Welch, president, ITC Holdings Corp.;  Michael Morris, chairman, American Electric Power; and Graham Edwards, acting president, Midwest ISO.  (Dirksen 366 at 9:30 a.m.)
Ø      On Thursday, March 12, the full committee will hold a confirmation hearing for David Hayes to be Deputy Secretary of the Interior.  (Dirksen 366 at 2:30 p.m.)
Bonus …
Sens. Bingaman and Murkowski are working on comprehensive energy legislation for consideration by the Senate.  As discussions drafts and the various bills that will be considered for this package become available, the best way to stay up-to-date is by checking the “Featured Items” section of the Energy Committee’s website.  It’s on our homepage, upper right corner.