The Week Ahead (Jan. 18-22)

January 15, 2010
02:48 PM
Last month, we finished the first session of the 111th with an e-mail highlighting the accomplishments which made 2009 such a busy and successful year for the Senate Energy Committee.
This month, we raise the curtain on the second session by drawing attention to our first hearing of the new year: a major hearing next Thursday on climate that will feature U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu as its witness.   Dr. Chu will share with the Committee his thoughts and recommendations regarding the research, development and technology priorities and imperatives needed to meet the medium and long-term challenges associated with reducing carbon pollution and lowering heat-trapping emissions.
This first-of-the-new-session hearing is consistent with Senate Energy’s ongoing efforts to help chart a bipartisan course on climate policy -- by organizing hearings on topics that are relevant to the effect of any greenhouse gas regulatory system on energy consumers, energy-intensive industries and energy producers.  In 2010, we plan to continue the work of identifying key issues that need to be addressed in order to marshal the broad bipartisan support needed in the Senate to pass climate-related legislation.  The information learned at next Thursday’s hearing hopefully will move us further in that direction.
  • On Thursday, Jan. 21, the full committee will receive testimony on the research and development priorities/imperatives needed to meet the medium- and long-term challenges associated with climate change.  U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu will be the witness.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)
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