The Week Ahead (Feb. 1-5)

January 29, 2010
01:54 PM
v     On Tuesday, Feb. 2, the full committee will consider the nominations of Larry Persily to be Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, and Patricia Hoffman to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.  (Dirksen 366 at 2:30 p.m.)
v     On Thursday, Feb. 4, the full committee will receive testimony on the U.S. Department of Energy’s budget for Fiscal Year 2011.   Secretary of Energy Steven Chu will testify.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)
Chairman Bingaman welcomes today’s news that the Federal government – the nation’s largest consumer of energy -- is leading by example in building the clean economy and will reduce its greenhouse gas pollution by 28 percent from 2008 levels by 2020.  Actions like this will spur clean energy investments and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in clean energy industries – exactly what our nation needs to create the American jobs of tomorrow.
Bingaman also is pleased with today’s announcement by the Energy Department regarding a new panel to study how to safely manage or dispose of nuclear waste – an action called for in the Committee-reported energy bill.  Bingaman is impressed with the high quality of the membership of the Commission and believes that Lee Hamilton, a former Member of Congress and chairman of the 9-11 commission, and Brent Scowcroft, a former Air Force general and presidential advisor, are excellent bipartisan picks to lead this study group.  
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