Sen. Murkowski: EPA Delay Still Ignores Economic Consequences

February 23, 2010
12:25 PM
FEBRUARY 22, 2010                                                or ANNE JOHNSON (202) 224-7875     
Sen. Murkowski: EPA Delay Still Ignores Economic Consequences
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement that it will adopt greenhouse gas regulations this spring, but delay implementation regarding stationary sources until January.
“While the delay in implementation is a small forced step in the right direction, the Clean Air Act continues to be the wrong tool for the job, and EPA’s timeline continues to create significant and ongoing uncertainty for a business community.” Murkowski said.
“Congress is the appropriate body to address climate policy.” Murkowski said. “Until the specter of command-and-control regulations goes away, it will remain a counterproductive threat hanging over the work that must be done to find common ground. The EPA has restated its commitment to regulating greenhouse gases, down to the smallest emitters, regardless of the economic consequences.”
“EPA regulation of greenhouse gases will increase consumer energy prices, add greatly to administrative costs for businesses, and create massive new layers of government bureaucracy. Such regulation, even slightly delayed, will endanger job creation, economic growth, and America’s competitiveness,” Murkowski said.
For further information, please contact Robert Dillon at 202.224.6977 or or Anne Johnson at 202.224.7875 or