Murkowski welcomes letters of support for halting EPA climate regulations

March 10, 2010
06:19 PM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 CONTACT:   ROBERT DILLON (202) 224-6977
MARCH 10, 2010                                                        or ANNE JOHNSON (202) 224-7875                                 
Sen. Murkowski Welcomes Support for Halting EPA Climate Regulations
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today welcomed two new letters urging Congress to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from imposing economically-harmful regulations on stationary sources of greenhouse gas emissions.   
The first letter was signed by a bipartisan group of 20 governors, led by Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. The second, signed by stakeholders throughout the United States, calls on Congress to pass the bipartisan disapproval resolution (S.J.Res. 26) that Sen. Murkowski and 40 of her colleagues introduced earlier this year.
 “These letters demonstrate the growing public opposition to EPA imposing backdoor climate regulations,” Sen. Murkowski said. “As more and more stakeholders take a closer look at EPA’s attempts to regulate the emissions blamed for climate change, they’re recognizing that those actions will cause economic harm and job losses at a time we can afford neither. These governors, small businesses, agricultural organizations, trade associations and others are calling on Congress to stop EPA.”   
A copy of each letter is attached.
For further information, please contact Robert Dillon at 202.224.6977 or or Anne Johnson at 202.224.7875 or